Climate Smart


Launched in 2007 as a program of Ecotrust Canada, Climate Smart is a social enterprise helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accelerate the transition to a clean energy, low carbon economy.

To date, Climate Smart has trained more than 775 businesses, worked with more than 25 host partners, and built a growing network of expert trainers. Climate Smart has also developed a web-based application for measuring emissions, and analytic tools to benchmark progress against the emissions and cost-saving goals of industry peers.

Full Description

The Foundation’s grant to Climate Smart will support its expansion in British Columbia and Alberta and will also enable Climate Smart to:

  • Use the data it collects to develop stronger peer benchmarks – information about emissions reductions by businesses in a given sector, which can motivate others to improve their practices; and
  • Design and implement tax credits to drive emissions reductions among SMEs, in collaboration with the BC government Climate Action Secretariat.



  • 2014-2017
  • $ 360,000
  • Funding Type: Past Initiatives
  • Initiatives: Net-Zero Carbon Economy