Blue Green Canada

Background of the organization 

Blue Green Canada (BGC) was founded in 2008 by an alliance between Canadian labour unions and environmental & civil society organizations, to advocate for working people and the environment by promoting solutions to environmental issues that have positive employment and economic impact. The alliance is based upon the realization that a future sustainable economy must provide good jobs and protect the environment, not one or the other. 


Project description

To remain competitive and continue to attract investment, industry needs to adopt new clean technologies across their supply chain to reduce emissions. Workers in these sectors risk being affected by potential job losses, even with a skilled labour shortage in clean technologies. By involving workers in the decision-making on labour transition programs, their expertise and concerns will be considered; resulting in increased buy-in, programs that are more likely to be effective in preventing job losses and preparing Canadian workers for new clean jobs. 

BGC will use funding to produce reports and campaigns that feature people-centered recommendations on minimizing job losses, providing re-training and upskilling, and creating new good, clean jobs, while amplifying stories of labour and energy transition. Funding will also be used to support hiring additional staff. 



  • 2022-2025
  • $ 250,000
  • Funding Type: Focus Area Funding
  • Funding Stream: Climate

Organization website and social media