Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS)


Founded in 2006, Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Canada is a program that helps farmers and ranchers deliver ecosystem services in their communities, including clean air, clean water, carbon sequestration, erosion control, flood mitigation, pollinator support and wildlife habitat/


A grant from the Foundation will assist Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Canada in creating financial tools and markets for farmers and ranchers to undertake conservation practices on their lands, protecting wetlands and rivers while conserving biodiversity and sequestering carbon. In order to develop markets for natural agricultural capital and participate in reforming the accounting systems that support them, ALUS will build its internal staff capacity and produce several reports that analyze the existing ALUS communities and develop financial tools and strategies to support the production of ecosystem services on agricultural land.


  • 2016-2018
  • $ 340,000
  • Funding Type: Past Initiatives
  • Initiatives: Social Innovation Fund