Fondation du Dr Julien (formerly Fondation pour la promotion de la pédiatrie sociale)


The Fondation pour la promotion de la pédiatrie sociale was established in 2005 by Social Pediatrician and Ashoka Fellow Gilles Julien to develop and support projects in social pediatrics, to encourage the teaching of social pediatrics to physicians and others working with children, and to disseminate this approach as widely as possible. The term “social pediatrics” refers to problems arising from social problems or with social consequences, specifically those that affect children and youth; the intent is to ensure that preventive and curative services for such problems are provided wherever needed.

Full Description

Building on the efforts of the Fondation pour la promotion de la pédiatrie sociale to create a more holistic and collaborative approach to caring for children, this grant is supporting the development of a new initiative, the Cercle de l’enfant. This program targets the particularly difficult cases where Quebec’s Director of Youth Protection is involved. A “circle” of all the people involved in the child’s life, including his or her extended family, is formed in order to develop constructive solutions with the assistance of a specially trained mediator. The pilot circles are being closely followed by an evaluation team established at McGill’s Centre for Research on Children and Families.

Acorn Canada

Visit the Fondation du Dr Julien website for more information


  • 2007-2010
  • $ 600,000
  • Funding Type: Past Initiatives
  • Initiatives: General contributions