Colleges and Institutes Canada

Background of the organisation:

Active in over 3,000 communities across the country, Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) is the national, voluntary membership organization representing publicly supported colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics in Canada and internationally.



Grant Description:

Numerous studies conclude that globalization and the disruptive impact of new technologies pose economic and social risks for individuals with low levels of education or who work in jobs under threat from  artificial intelligence and machine learning. A grant from the Foundation will support Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) to work with its members to better adapt to this changing economic landscape. Together they would support local and sector-wide efforts to develop practical pathways and alternative scenarios related to the future employment market, and increase access to training and jobs for populations with statistically lower labour market participation and retention rates. Funds will also enable Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) to create the necessary infrastructure for collaboration and inter-institutional projects.


  • 2018-2021
  • $ 600,000
  • Funding Type: Past Initiatives
  • Initiatives: Re-Code